Swamiraj Engineering is a process equipment designer and manufacturer of custom-made equipment as per client requirements in the fields of chemical, pigment, chocolate, food, distillery, and brewery industries. Swamiraj Engineering is well recognized for its high-performance design and engineering along with innovative, cost-effective, and quality products.
Chemical Pressure Vessel
We design and supply Pressure Vessels to wide variety of industries ranging from chemical, pigment, explosives, Food and chocolate Industries as per design code ASME SEC VIII DIV 1 & EN13445.
Product Range:
- Capacity Up to 60KL.
- Diameter Up to 4500 mm
- Shell and Dish end thickness Up to 36 mm.
- Material of construction SS316L, SS304L, SA516GR.70 , Duplex steel2205, IS2062Gr.A & B.

Jacketed Reactors
Jacketed vessel is a Vessel that is designed for controlling temperature of its contents, by using a cooling or heating “jacket” around the vessel through which a cooling or heating fluid is circulated.
A jacket is a cavity external to the vessel that permits the uniform exchange of heat between the fluid circulating in it and the walls of the vessel. We design as per code ASME SEC VIII DIV 1 & EN13445.
There are mainly two types of Jacketed Vessels.
1) Standard Jacket Vessel
2) Pillow Plate Jacket Vessel. (Laser welded)
Limpeted Reactors
Limpet coil reactor vessels are widely used in chemical, Chocolate, Food and Pharma industry. It is used to control the temperature of the reactants with the help of heating or cooling media circulated through coils surrounding the main vessel. Ideally suitable for medium heat transfer requirement and heating application where heating media temperature is about 150 Centigrade. We design as per code ASME SEC VIII DIV 1 & EN13445.
Product Range
- Capacity Up to 60KL.
- Diameter Up to 4500 mm
- Shell and Dish end thickness Up to 36 mm.
- Material of construction SS316L, SS304L, SA516GR.70 , Duplex steel2205, IS2062Gr.A & B.

Laser Welded Pillow Plate Jacket Vessel
Single-embossed laser-welded jacketed vessels are made of two stainless steel Pillow plates of different thickness, welded together by using laser welding Process. The vessel Jacket is then inflated to create fluid channels between the Pillow plates. They form a pressure chamber, through which a fluid will pass to transfer heat transfer to and from the chamber, enclosing the single-embossed laser-welded jacketed vessel. It is a seamless way to achieve the temperatures that are needed to heat or cool the product within the vessel.
These Pillow Jacketed design is used in many industries and are mainly used as process tank plates. For example in heating and cooling food- and pharmaceutical tanks.
Advantages of Pillow Plate Jacketed Vessels
- Less Volume and thus allowing thinner tank wall thickness.
- More efficient in heat transfer than Limpet (Half Pipe) or standard jacket (Double shell).
Applications of Pillow Plate Jacketed Vessels.
- Dairy Processing Plant
- Chocolate Industry
- Food & Beverages Industry
- Storage Tanks
- Reactor Vessels
- Fermentor & Winery Vessels
Product Range: Pillow Jacketed Vessels
- Capacity From 1000 Liters to up to 30KL.
- Diameter Up to 3000 mm
- Shell and Dish end thickness Up to 10 mm.
- Material of construction SS304
- Versatile design
- High efficiency
- High performance
- Innovative, flexible, and cost-effective solutions
- Enhanced process control
- Process-specific design
- Highly customizable design
- Manufactured with high-quality stainless steel and carbon steel materials
- Chemical Industries
- Dyes & Pigment Industries
- Chocolate and Food Industries
- Distillery and beverages
- Cement Plant